Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Project 06

Page 1: Optical Mix
Page 2: Triad/heightened colors
Page 3: Local color
Page 4: Analogous color
Page 5: Complimentary/ Saturation 
Page 6: Simultaneous contrast
Page 7: Complimentary colors
Page 8: Monochromatic


  1. A1: The image that I find most visually striking is the second to last one. I think the simplicity of it makes it almost look like a realistic picture, and the soft colours you used create a very nice feel to the image. Since it is not labelled, I do not know what colour concept it is but I like the two complimentary colouors that are used.
    A2: The least visually striking image is the 4th one (Pink and Purple). I can't really recognize what it is so it doesn't create an image.
    A3: I do like the entire collection and I think that even though there isn't a continuos flow of lines in this book, the style of the images is the thing that is keeping them all together, and a similar style and colour contrast is used which I think ties it all together.

  2. Q1 - The image I found most striking was the 2nd one, with the bright colors depicting the inside of a bus or trolley. There's a really nice sense of depth, and its very easy to tell whats going on. I'm not sure what the color concept is because they're unlabeled, but whatever it is I like it.
    Q2 - The least striking one to me is the 4th one: I'm not sure what it is or what's going on, and the analogous color concept isn't really doing anything to help out.
    Q3 - The book flows very nicely with an urban style feel, and the contrast between each page, from bright to dark to bright again (idk if that was planned but it's cool).


  3. Q1:The most visually striking to me is a toss up between the third composition and the second to last one. I really liked the third composition because it is simple but still visually stimulating.

    Q2: The least visually striking to me is the third one from the right, although I liked the color choices, it kind of looks muddy compared to all the bright colored compositions.

    Q3: As a whole the entire collection doesn't really have a continuos flow but the pictures all work together like a travel collection/outside collection<3
